Hearing and Vision Impaired Services

At SouthGreen® Financial, we want all our clients to be able to communicate with us when and how they need to. We are pleased to provide access to banking services to clients with disabilities and offer service aids to help with hearing, vision, speech impairments or other disabilities. These include auxiliary aids for printed materials for any client, or prospective client, who is blind or partially sighted, free of charge.
Here are some examples of printed materials available in alternative format:
•    Annual Statement of Interest
•    Certificate of Deposit /Savings Statements
•    Certificate of Deposit Maturity Notices
•    Product Brochures and Disclosures
•    Additional documents may be available in alternative formats upon request by calling Client Support at +1.(956).696.7992 .  
Available formats are as follows:
•    Braille
•    Large Print
•    Audio - CD and Cassette
•    Electronic Text (e-Text)

How to request an Alternative Format

If you need to request alternative format for statements, notices or other documents, just call Client Support at +1.(956).696.7992 .
Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD)
Telecommunications for the Deaf (TDD) service is provided for hearing- or speech-impaired clients through Relay services.  Relay service can be accessed nationwide by dialing 7-1-1. The call will interface with an Operator who specializes in establishing a three-way call, where voice may be converted to text, or a text call converted to voice.  The service is provided free-of-charge and enables real-time communication between the client and the Client Support Center. The Client Support Center telephone number to provide to the interface operator is +1.(956).696.7992 .
Web Accessibility and Universal Design
To meet the needs of all our clients, TP Micro Finance has adopted webpage design that are compliant with Accessibility Guidelines such as WCAG. We undergoe in-depth accessibility evaluations using a variety of adaptive and assistive technologies, including:
•    Text-to-Speech Software (Screen Readers)
•    Voice Recognition Software
•    Dynamic Braille Displays
•    Various viewing preferences
•    Various Internet access speeds.
Viewing Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files
Content on tpmicro.com includes PDF files. If you wish to view PDF files, we recommend the use of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader v.7.0 or higher. If you are using an older version, use the link below to download the most recent version available. Some versions of Adobe Reader have minimum Operating System requirements that may not be compatible with your computer. Verify compatibility before downloading. 
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
To conveniently view our PDF files in text format:
1.    Ensure that the version installed is Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher.
2.    Disable Web Integration in Adobe Acrobat Reader as follows: From the Edit menu, select Preferences. Select Internet. Uncheck Display PDF in browser. Click OK. All PDF files will open outside of your browser.   
For more information on accessibility options for PDF files, please visit the Adobe website.
For more information, visit the Adobe Reader system requirements website.